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Cigar Anatomy 3.png

Learn about the different parts of a cigar including; Cap, Foot, and Body.

Cutting A Cigar.png

An explanation of the different types of cutters available and how to use them.

Cigar Origins.png

Discover how origins of leaves affect the flavor and overall experience of a cigar.

Lighting A Cigar.png

Instruction on the nuances of roasting and lighting a cigar for maximum enjoyment.


Understand the various types of leaves that make a cigar; Wrapper, Binder, and Filler.

Cigar Mishaps.png

See what causes common problems with cigars and quick remedies.


Decide which type of cigar is best suited to your desired type of experience.

Vlogger looking at camera

Get professional instruction on the basics of how to best experience a cigar.

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